06-20-2007, 12:17 PM
In the Siddur that I use as a guide, there are instructions to sit or stand at different parts. Since it isn't an obligation for a Noahide to pray, I understand that this doesn't apply to Noahides either. However, I'm curious as to why Jews stand for certain prayers and sit for others.
Director Michael Wrote:2) The text of the Siddur (the traditional Orthodox Jewish prayer book, which comes in several versions that have only slight variations) may be used as an optional general guide for Noahides. But all Noahides should know and have complete faith that they can freely change, reduce, or add prayers to G-d in their own spontaneous words, from the feelings of their own heart and the understanding of their own intellect. There is no obligation for a Noahide to say any specifically worded prayers in any specific order.
In the Siddur that I use as a guide, there are instructions to sit or stand at different parts. Since it isn't an obligation for a Noahide to pray, I understand that this doesn't apply to Noahides either. However, I'm curious as to why Jews stand for certain prayers and sit for others.