10-21-2007, 12:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 03:46 AM by Director Michael.)
oceanoah Wrote:Shalom to respectful Rabbis and shalom Dr. Schulman,
As a Noahide, when a Jewish friend talks about a deceased relative and I want to show my respect, are there some standard words in Judaism, or are those words exactly like the ones other people use? (like G-d bless his soul or things like that)
During the first week that a Jewish person is in mourning over the loss of a spouse or close relative, G-d forbid, it is proper to include this phrase in your words of condolences, preferably as the concluding statement:
"May G-d comfort you along with the mourners of Tzion and Jerusalem."
After the first week of mourning, you can use any thoughtful and tactful words of condolences.
oceanoah Wrote:I have heard about "Baruch Dayan Emet", but then I heard it is said only when a religious person has passed away, or I understood it that way.
This means "Blessed is the True Judge," refering to G-d. It is said immediately by a person who hears of a tragic event, G-d forbid, and in particular when the person hears of the death of someone which touches them deeply - especially a close family member, G-d forbid.
oceanoah Wrote:After death what happens? Is the soul in another dimension and then it comes back to the corpse?
Please see our forum section titledĀ "End of Physical Life" -