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When the Messiah and the redemption come
Visitor A.K. to the web site Wrote:There is so much noise today about Noah's Laws. If we live in the End Times as we call it then it is going to be a New Beginning too. Soon we will live in a time like Adam, closer to G-d, which means even beyond Noah's time. I just go with a clean logic, clean from all of the past religious and political thoughts, people's thoughts from all parts of the world. If they think that soon a Messiah will come for each of them, their home, religion and land, than there will be one Messiah for all. You don't think so. You think that there will come one Messiah but just for a few people or one community, just in one home, one religion.
I will try to address your misunderstanding briefly, and refer you to a resource for more information. Right now we are definitely in the "End of Days" as it was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, which is the time just before Moshiach (the Messiah) comes. This foremost patrilineal Jewish descendent of kings David and Solomon, whom G-d will choose, will bring in the Messianic Era. But the purpose of the Messianic Era is not to bring us to a time like Adam, because if we are just to go back to the original state, what was the purpose of all the hardships and suffering since Adam and Hava (Eve) left the Garden of Eden? Rather, mankind will eventually be living CLOSER to G-d than Adam was originally. We are expecting the King Moshiach any day now, but certainly by the start of the year 6000 in the Jewish calendar the Messianic Era will be in place.

Of course there will be ONE King Moshiach for ALL humanity. Anyone who denies that denies the truth of all the Hebrew prophets. Throughout the Hebrew Bible it says that there will be ONE King Moshiach from the House of David who will rule from Jerusalem as the king appointed by G-d over ALL humanity, as prophesied in Isaiah 52:13, "Behold, My servant shall prosper, he shall be exalted and uplifted very high." This Moshiach will be accepted by all people and he will improve the entire world, motivating all the nations to serve G-d together, as the prophecy in Zephaniah 3:9 states: "I will transform the peoples to a purer language so that they all will call upon the name of G-d and serve Him with one purpose." Isaiah 2:2 prophesies: "In the final days, the mountain of G-d's house will be established ... and all the nations shall flow to it." And Jeremiah 16:19 states: "Nations shall come to you from the ends of the earth and say: Surely, our fathers have inherited lies and vain things in which there is no benefit." Then the occupation of the entire world will be solely to know G-d, as Isaiah 11:19 states: "The world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the ocean bed."

There is no reason to imagine that a person groping in the realm of human "logic" could come on his own to a more true version of G-d's plan for Moshiach, than that which G-d Himself has already revealed to us through His chosen Hebrew prophets. Please study the authentic (i.e. Torah-based) references about Moshiach that are provided on our web site:

I especially hope that you will read the on-line book "Mashiach: The Messianic Era in Jewish Law":

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RE: when moshiach/messiah comes - by Daniel2 - 10-28-2009, 10:57 AM
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