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Appropriate choices of Names for speaking of G-d
It's very common where i live for people to use the word 'god' very casually and I've no way to measure what my response should be. They do it all over the world which does not mean it's right. How should I regard it?
The bad behavior you described is not the sin of blasphemy as it is defined in Torah Law. Blasphemy involves cursing a holy Hebrew Name of G-d.

The information below is quoted from "The Divine Code," 2nd Edition, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner of Jerusalem, p. 270-272:

Any mention of G-d’s Name for naught is forbidden, since this disgraces the honor of G-d, and one receives punishment from Heaven for this. Regarding this it is written [Exodus 20:7], "You shall not take the Name of G-d in vain; G-d will not hold guiltless one who takes His Name in vain" ... It is also said [Deut. 28:58], "To fear the honorable and awesome Name" – since from the obligation of fearing G-d, it is prohibited to mention His Name for naught. This applies specifically to the holy Names [in Hebrew] specified for Him (which may not be erased), and even His names in other languages (e.g., the name "G-d").

{It is noted there that some Torah-Law authorities hold that "a Divine name in another language (other than Hebrew) is considered an attributive name, and therefore does not infringe the [more serious] prohibition of mentioning G-d’s [holy] Name in vain."}

What is meant by mentioning G-d’s Name “in vain”? This means mentioning a Divine Name for no need at all.

One who curses any person with G-d’s Name in any language, whether he curses himself or others, or even a dead or evil person, has transgressed a prohibition, since he uses G-d’s Name in vain.

It is forbidden to mention any of the specified holy Names [of G-d in Hebrew] (which may not be erased), and even names for G-d in other languages, in a place where there is filth or in an undignified situation (for example, in a restroom or bathhouse, or where people are unclothed), since this is degrading to G-d’s Name.

However, to mention it in a way of praise or prayer is permitted. It is likewise permitted to bless one’s friend with G-d’s Name, by saying “G-d bless you,” and the like. Therefore, one who erred and mentioned G-d’s Name for no reason should immediately praise and give honor to Him, in order that the mentioning of His Name should not be in vain. For example, if one said “G-d,” he should immediately say, “Blessed is He forever,” or “Who is great and very exalted.”

A person should always honor G-d’s Name, in any language. When one does mention His Name, one should think about the reason and purpose for mentioning it, in order that it not be mentioned in vain...
When one wishes to bless and thank G-d, one should direct his thoughts and words in order to say words of thanks and praise to honor G-d’s Name. In this way the result will be that the Name of G-d is exalted, and not disgraced.

We see that Joseph acted in this way, where it says [Genesis 39:2-3], “And G-d was with Joseph and he was successful … And his master saw that G-d was with him, and all that he did, G-d made successful.” Rashi explains how Joseph’s master saw that G-d was with him: “The Name of G-d was fluent in Joseph’s mouth,” – i.e., he would constantly credit his success to G-d and publicize His Name, as Joseph said to Pharaoh [Genesis 41:16], “G-d will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.” This was also the way of Abraham, to teach all the nations that it is fitting to praise and bless G-d’s Name alone, as it says, [Genesis 21:33], “and there he proclaimed the Name of G-d, G-d of the universe” – meaning that he caused all people he encountered to call (i.e., to pray and praise) in the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He, and he taught every person to pray to G-d and praise the Name of G-d.
When making a video, teaching the law or reading a part of Bereishit,
what names of G-d is allowed to be uttered, I looked online in the past
and saw something like using Ad-nai name in a video recording or even a prayer recording I shouldn't do. What about the name L-rd? What about E-lokim? and blessed is He in Heaven. I don't want to sin, and if I have, I want to repent to G-d in Heaven, and know what I've done, so I will not make that sin again.
You should use English names: G-d, L-rd, Al-mighty, the Holy One Blessed be He, the Creator, etc.

Or you can use the Hebrew substitute name "HaShem" ("The Name") that is intended for mundane speech and writing. But a Gentile audience will be more familiar with the names in English.
Quote: Is "Aibishter" one of the names of G-d? If so what does it mean ? I read it somewhere.

"Aibishter" is Yiddish for "the Most High," which is a way of referring to G-d while being respectful to not say one of His holy Names.

When you grew up in a christian household and say things just because you are accustomed to it like saying "Oh my G-d" when you are shocked - is this a blasphemous comment? If yes, is it even blasphemous when you say it and you are immediately sorry for it but you had no control in saying it, because it was like a reflex?
What's about the catholic exclamation like "Jesus!" and these kind of things?

Thank you for your great work! Smile
The comment you mentioned is not blasphemous. "Blasphemy" refers to actually cursing G-d (G-d forbid!). "Blasphemous" describes a statement of blasphemy, and it also extends to describing statements that are extremely heretical in regard to G-d.

So the statement "Oh my G-d" is not blasphemous, but it is disrespectful to use a name of G-d in that casual and unnecessary manner.
Please see Post # 2 above in this thread, which explains this in more detail.

It is not a problem when idolaters use the names of their idols when they want to curse or speak disrespectfully, or in anger. It shows that the person has little awe or reverence for his or her idols.

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