08-18-2009, 08:11 PM
08-19-2009, 02:57 PM
You may say a short prayer of thanks as soon as you wake up in the morning. But you should not mention a name of G-d in your prayers in any language until after you've first used the restroom in the morning (if needed, followed by washing your hands).
There are no set times for Noahides to say their prayers. But it's meritorious to say at least some prayers to
G-d in the morning, before going on to your daily "secular" activities.
There are no set times for Noahides to say their prayers. But it's meritorious to say at least some prayers to
G-d in the morning, before going on to your daily "secular" activities.
08-20-2009, 09:46 PM
I wake up early dawn the first thing I said on my bed is Baruch HaShem that I alive and thank Him for my soul returning to my body. Then I recite or sing "Shema Israel"
Then I read proverb and psalm.
Went to restroom then sit near the window said my prayer and mediation.
One week about 2 to 3 days will leave house to the seaside for reflection and enjoy his creation.
Any view and advice on my daily routine please instruct me.
Shalom !
Rebekah Giam Geok Leng
Then I read proverb and psalm.
Went to restroom then sit near the window said my prayer and mediation.
One week about 2 to 3 days will leave house to the seaside for reflection and enjoy his creation.
Any view and advice on my daily routine please instruct me.
Shalom !
Rebekah Giam Geok Leng
08-23-2009, 03:23 PM
Rebekah Lee-Giam Geok Leng Wrote:Any view and advice on my daily routine please instruct me.
Just that after you wake up in the morning, you should use the restroom and wash your hands before saying any verses from the Hebrew Bible, and before using a name of G-d in prayer.
08-26-2009, 05:08 AM
Sh'lom Director Schulman and Academy Rabbis,
Can BN use the Jewish "I give thanks.."- prayer upon awakening or is it preferable to say a personal prayer with a similar meaning? Thanking HaShem, blessed be He, for "returning my soul to my body" would mean that the souls of the Gentiles also undertake a kind of journey while the body is asleep similar to the Jewish souls. Is one to have this intention in mind, or rather just to thank for being alive?
Is there a particular reason for first using the restroom (after awakening), and then praying or can one just wash his/ her hands upon awakening, then pray and then maybe in an hour or more go to the place (assumed there isn't any natural need to do so earlier)?
Best regards and thank you for your time!
Sh'lom Director Schulman and Academy Rabbis,
Can BN use the Jewish "I give thanks.."- prayer upon awakening or is it preferable to say a personal prayer with a similar meaning? Thanking HaShem, blessed be He, for "returning my soul to my body" would mean that the souls of the Gentiles also undertake a kind of journey while the body is asleep similar to the Jewish souls. Is one to have this intention in mind, or rather just to thank for being alive?
Is there a particular reason for first using the restroom (after awakening), and then praying or can one just wash his/ her hands upon awakening, then pray and then maybe in an hour or more go to the place (assumed there isn't any natural need to do so earlier)?
Best regards and thank you for your time!
08-26-2009, 01:44 PM
Teodor Wrote:Can BN use the Jewish "I give thanks.."- prayer upon awakening or is it preferable to say a personal prayer with a similar meaning?
Either is permitted.
Teodor Wrote:Thanking HaShem, blessed be He, for "returning my soul to my body" would mean that the souls of the Gentiles also undertake a kind of journey while the body is asleep similar to the Jewish souls. Is one to have this intention in mind, or rather just to thank for being alive?
Either intention is OK.
Teodor Wrote:Is there a particular reason for first using the restroom (after awakening), and then praying or can one just wash his/ her hands upon awakening, then pray and then maybe in an hour or more go to the place (assumed there isn't any natural need to do so earlier)?
The reason for first using the restroom only applies if there is a natural need, but that's usually the case after waking up in the morning. For Gentiles, washing the hands before prayer is only called for if the hands are soiled, or after using the restroom.
10-07-2009, 04:53 PM
Hello Everyone,
Yeah.. Prayer must be the first thing that We should do as a first in the morning.
I do every morning and my whole day passes with less difficulties.
Yeah.. Prayer must be the first thing that We should do as a first in the morning.
I do every morning and my whole day passes with less difficulties.
01-29-2025, 06:10 AM
Quote:I’m loving some morning prayers I discovered but want to know more about this one: "…and may our livelihood not depend on creatures of flesh and blood."
Would this mean that people should not raise livestock, or own a business employing others to produce a product, or even not to use healthcare services, as all of those are relying on flesh and blood folks?. I realize that’s taking it to extremes, but please help me understand the original meaning.
In the original Hebrew, the phrase that you're asking about in a prayer for livelihood is a euphemism. So, if it's translated literally, as you quoted, the correct meaning probably won't be understood by someone who hasn't learned about this before.
What the expression means to request - which also needs the additional explanation that follows - is that your income and other needs in life will be provided to you by G-d, so you will not need to depend on other human beings (whom it refers to as "creatures of flesh and blood").
This prayer is requesting that through G-d's blessings, in whatever employment or business venture you have, you will earn your income through the righteous work of your own efforts. Then, the other people who pay you your due wages or who pay you for the goods or services you provide to them, are serving as agents of G-d, through whom He channels your G'd-given income to you. You will then be thankful to G-d for your income, and you will ask Him to continue providing it to you, and you will serve Him properly so you will merit to receive it from Him through the so-called "natural" channels of employment, business, etc., that He provides for you. That should be your intention, because G-d normally brings His influence into the world in a concealed way, through natural channels.
On the other hand, if G-d would decide for your income to be reduced to the point where you would need to ask for charity or loans, the act of a person giving charity or a loan is an act of personal kindness from that person, which is a good deed in and of itself. But G-d leaves the choice to do a good deed up to the free will of the person. So, in that situation of needing charity or a loan, you would become dependent on the good will of the person himself, and not on G-d.
Furthermore, even if you earn your livelihood through your own work, you could imagine (G-d forbid) that you are dependent only on your employer or your customers, and discount the idea that it has anything to do with G-d. When G-d sees a person having that lack of faith in Him, He just might decide to withdraw His blessings from it, at let it be actually up to the discretion of the providers themselves. Then the person can't have any basis for faith and trust that he will continue to receive his income, because it is useless for a person to put his faith in human beings. As well, the income he does get will lack the blessings of income that is provided directly from G-d's will (through the agency of an employer or customers).
This goes together with the fact that it's better to receive even a smaller income through G-d's blessings, versus a larger income that does't contain any blessings from G-d. The person who has faith and trust that he is receiving his livelihood through G-d's blessings has made a personal connection with G-d Himself, and that spiritual connection with G-d has higher true value than the amount of the physical income.
On the other hand, even if a person comes to a situation in which he has no choice but to receive charity or loans (because G-d causes that a person's "wheel of fortune" has ups and downs over the course of his life), he should continue to pray in this way,[1] because (a) G-d can answer the prayer by deciding to bring about the means for improvement of the person's financial situation, so he doesn't have to receive charity, or (b) G-d can answer the prayer by overriding the "normal" course, to instead cause that the person will find extra favor in the eyes of the people whom he asks for help, so they will not turn him down as they might be naturally inclined to do, and they will give more generously than they themselves are naturally inclined to do. Then, blessings from G-d will be included in the charity or loans that the person is given, and he isn't depending only the natural inclination of the people he asks.
[1] In the "Prayer for Livelihood" that we've published for Noahides, based on a prayer by Rabbi Moses Cordovero, we use this translation: "...May we never be in need of the gifts of man or of their loans, but only of Your hand which is full, open, holy and generous..."
In the "Grace after a meal" that we've published for Noahides, provided by Rabbi Moshe Weiner and adapted from the traditional Jewish liturgy, the corresponding phrase is "...Please do not make us dependent upon the gifts of mortal men nor upon their loans, but only upon Your full, open and generous hand, that we may never be shamed or disgraced."