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    Thread: Circumcision and procreation for Noahides
Post: procreation and circumcision

The commandment of procreation and circumcision was not repeated a second time at mount Sinai for the Noahide. So this means, correct me if i'm wrong, that only Israelites are forced to imply these...
noahidecanada Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T) 12 85,761 01-27-2009, 02:02 AM
    Thread: 3-D image reproduction of a human form
Post: RE: 3d image reproduction of human

If lets say the doll was missing his or her genital organs, it would be permit to keep it. Yes?
noahidecanada Prohibition of Idolatry (R) 7 48,295 01-09-2009, 03:14 AM
    Thread: 3-D image reproduction of a human form
Post: 3-D image reproduction of a human form

I'm reading the "divine code" and some questions came up in my head when i was reading the chapter on prohibition of idolatry. From what i understood, prefect 3 dimensional reproduction of a full h...
noahidecanada Prohibition of Idolatry (R) 7 48,295 01-06-2009, 05:36 AM
    Thread: Prayer Posture, Preparations, Time and Place
Post: prostration in Genesis

In many parts of Genesis we can read that prostration was practiced in many different occasions, for example: 18:2, 19:1, 22:5, 23:7, 24:26, 33:3-7, 42:6, 48:12. Also in Psalms 95:6 it mentions ben...
noahidecanada Noahide Prayer (R) 18 111,802 12-18-2008, 03:42 AM
    Thread: Prostitution and adultery
Post: RE: Adultery

Can you explain me this concerning adultery for noahides. In the Houmach Temima of Rashi and Epstein on p.297 in the french version for chapter 20:3 for the word "woman of her husband." The temi...
noahidecanada Intimate Relations 13 103,133 11-17-2008, 12:48 AM
    Thread: sacrifice for Hashem
Post: sacrifice for Hashem

Hi, I notice in bereshit that on different occasions the mention of sacrifices for Hashem. Can a noahide today still perform these kind of rituals ? If so how and with what? If not why is it a...
noahidecanada Before Mount Sinai (R,T) 1 127,064 11-09-2008, 10:50 PM
    Thread: Can a noahide pray at the Western Wall (the Kotel)?
Post: Can a noahide pray at the Western Wall (the Kotel)...

If so which tehilim should he read?
noahidecanada Noahide Prayer (R) 1 19,238 08-18-2008, 08:53 AM