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Thread: "Found" money
Post: "Found" money
Shalom Dr. Schulman, Rabbi Dubovick and Rabbi Schochet-
Other people at work use my desk sometimes when I am not there and someone left some coins on my desk (it is primarily my desk), so do I have... |
ProudNoachide |
Prohibition of Theft (R, T)
1 |
16,879 |
07-14-2008, 03:27 AM |
Thread: Can we say "Shabbat Shalom" on Shabbos
Post: Can we say "Shabbat Shalom" on Shabbos
Hi Director Michael, Rabbi Yitz and Rabbi Schochet-
Can we wish Jews at a synagogue on Saturday, "Shabbat Shalom!" and "Gutte Shabbos!"? Can we say it back to Jews if they say it to us first? Can w... |
ProudNoachide |
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
3 |
30,878 |
11-21-2007, 03:15 AM |
Thread: Man-made religions / events with family & friends
Post: Man-made religions / events with family & friends
Hi Rabbis and Director-
All of my family does Xmas, and now I have two new sons-in-laws whose big families I HAVE to visit and they do Xmas, plus my kids and everyone always exchanges gifts, and ... |
ProudNoachide |
Prohibition of Idolatry (R)
19 |
123,506 |
11-07-2007, 04:02 AM |
Thread: Is Astrology forbidden?
Post: Is Astrology forbidden?
Hi Director Michael and Esteemed Rabbis!
Is Astrology forbidden?
Can one research one's and other's astrological signs (ie, scorpico, taurus and so forth) and contemplate possible personality tr... |
ProudNoachide |
Ask The Academy Rabbis
4 |
93,394 |
10-22-2007, 02:45 AM |
Thread: Reciting "Shema" (Deut. 6:4-9, etc.)
Post: Reciting "Shema" (Deut. 6:4-9, etc.)
Hi Director Michael and Rabbis-
I thought I'd heard Noahides aren't supposed to pray the whole Shema, which mentions the Jewish mitzvah of affixing a mezzuzah and so forth, Can we say the whole thi... |
ProudNoachide |
Noahide Prayer (R)
7 |
67,292 |
08-27-2007, 12:50 AM |
Thread: Donating Blood or Organs
Post: Donating Blood or Organs
Hi Rabbis and Director-
Is it allowed for Noahides to donate blood and/or other tissue while still alive (or deceased)?
Thank you! |
ProudNoachide |
Prohibition of Murder and Injury (R, T)
3 |
29,266 |
08-16-2007, 06:44 AM |
Thread: Tish'a B'Av (mourning destruction of the Temples)
Post: Tish'a B'Av (mourning destruction of the Temples)
Hi Rabbis and Director Michael-
I realize it is last minute but, what things shall we Noahides consider and what good things can we do on Tish'a B'Av?
Thank you! |
ProudNoachide |
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
5 |
45,993 |
07-24-2007, 02:25 AM |
Thread: Idols in restaurants
Post: Idols in restaurants
Hi Rabbis and Michael-
What if there is an idol in the restaurant where I want to eat? In all of the oriental restaurants where I live, they always have an idol there. I am not bowing to it, and I... |
ProudNoachide |
Prohibition of Idolatry (R)
6 |
44,974 |
07-24-2007, 01:29 AM |
Thread: Eating meat that was not removed from a living animal
Post: Eating meat that was not removed from a living ani...
Hi Rabbis and Michael-
How do we decide if some meat we want to eat is ok, ie: was it slaughtered and meat removed before death, if we don't want to go through the trouble of only eating kosher me... |
ProudNoachide |
Treatment of Animals/Forbidden Meat (R, T)
10 |
71,820 |
07-24-2007, 01:24 AM |
Thread: Who was the first Jew?
Post: Who was the first Jew?
Shalom Rabbis and Director Michael-
I know that the Patriarchs have very special roles, but was Avrahom (Abraham) the first Jew, or Yitzchok (Isaac) or Ya'acov (Jacob), or Ya'acov's son's or their... |
ProudNoachide |
Before Mount Sinai (R,T)
5 |
178,523 |
07-12-2007, 05:14 AM |
Thread: Writing B''H or BS"D at the top of a page
Post: Writing B''H or BS"D at the top of a page
Shalom Rabbis and Director Michael-
I notice when you send a note, you put B''H. What does it mean, and when, if ever, is it appropriate for us Noahides to put that on our notes or emails (or which... |
ProudNoachide |
Respect for G-d's Names (T)
1 |
55,774 |
07-12-2007, 05:09 AM |
Thread: Honoring the Festivals and Hanukkah
Post: Honoring the Festivals and Hanukkah
Hi Rabbis and Director Michael-
I am curious as to which holidays are OK for Noahides.
Also what Jewish Holidays can we do and how can we do them?
Thank you! |
ProudNoachide |
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
8 |
87,358 |
07-09-2007, 04:18 AM |
Thread: Explaining Noahide Identity
Post: Explaining Noahide Identity
If a Jewish person (and/or an Israeli) asks me if I am Jewish or if I am converting to Judaism, how do I tell or explain to him or her that I am a Noahide Chassid in a way that he or she w... |
ProudNoachide |
Basic Principles (R,T)
9 |
56,183 |
07-06-2007, 12:34 AM |
Thread: Names of false gods
Post: Names of false gods
Shalom Rabbi!
Are we to refrain from saying the names of false gods? Are we to refrain from writing them also? If so, does it matter if it is in a teaching mode? Or do we only refrain from saying ... |
ProudNoachide |
Prohibition of Idolatry (R)
8 |
64,835 |
07-02-2007, 08:28 AM |
Thread: Reciting Blessings and Saying "Amen"
Post: Reciting Blessings and Saying "Amen"
Shalom Rabbi!
If I, as a Noahide, hear ANY brocha from a Jewish person can I say "amen" to his blessing like Jewish people would, even though it is a blessing that I am not allowed to make with the ... |
ProudNoachide |
Noahide Prayer (R)
4 |
36,071 |
07-02-2007, 12:35 AM |
Thread: Shall we say "Thank G-d" or "Thank Hashem"
Post: Shall we say "Thank G-d" or "Thank Hashem"
When somene asks how we are doing for example, would it be appropriate to respond "Thank G-d, I am doing well." or would it be more appropriate to say "Thank Hashem, I am doing well." sin... |
ProudNoachide |
Noahide Prayer (R)
4 |
32,994 |
06-28-2007, 07:54 AM |
Thread: Prayer for people with physical ailments
Post: Prayer for people with physical ailments
Is it appropriate to say "bless you" when someone sneezes? If not, what shall we say, if anything? |
ProudNoachide |
Noahide Prayer (R)
8 |
54,622 |
06-28-2007, 07:49 AM |
Thread: Prostitution and adultery
Post: Prostitution and adultery
Even though it may be undesirable, is prostitution legal for Noahides or nonJews? I just want to get the scope of what is legal and what is not and then I can go on from there because in Judaism there... |
ProudNoachide |
Intimate Relations
13 |
105,627 |
06-26-2007, 05:29 AM |
Thread: Noah's ark
Post: People on the Ark
Shalom to Everyone in the Forum-
My question is -
Were there only eight people who survived the flood, or was there a giant holding on the ark or something, and if so, was he simply a big human and ... |
ProudNoachide |
Before Mount Sinai (R,T)
10 |
335,988 |
06-26-2007, 05:21 AM |
Thread: Wearing a tallis?
Post: RE: Tallis
Hi James7-
I think that while talleisim (the plural of tallis) are very neat, I think they have fringe knots and gematria for the 613 Jewish Mitzvot, so I am guessing that it is not something that... |
ProudNoachide |
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
12 |
98,426 |
06-25-2007, 06:17 AM |