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    Thread: Prayer Posture, Preparations, Time and Place
Post: RE: Prayer Posture

Director Michael Wrote: -- at least one's private body parts should be covered (including those of others around you), -- But didn't Adam and Chava pray with their body "exposed"? And since G-d kno...
James7 Noahide Prayer (R) 18 112,066 10-06-2007, 09:18 AM
    Thread: Charity and Tithing by Noahides
Post: RE: Tithing for Noahides?

Noahides aren't required to tithe. We can give if we want to, and there are no rules on what to give; only that we shouldn't give to charities that promote man-made religions.
James7 Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T) 24 154,183 08-15-2007, 06:10 AM
    Thread: Books/music of non-Torah religions
Post: RE: Reading about non-Torah religions

And what if it's in a movie/play/etc., are we allowed to watch/listen to it?
James7 Prohibition of Idolatry (R) 6 43,476 07-28-2007, 05:01 AM
    Thread: Shell Fish
Post: Shell Fish

Since shell fish like lobster, shrimp, crawfish, crab, etc. aren't good unless they are cooked alive does this transgress the commandment against eating the limb of a living animal? I know that I am n...
James7 Treatment of Animals/Forbidden Meat (R, T) 4 36,769 07-25-2007, 02:09 AM
    Thread: Abraham and Sarah
Post: Abraham and Sarah

I know that it is taught that the patriarchs kept the whole Torah, but the Torah says this about Abraham: Quote: -- Gen. 20:12 And also, indeed, she is my sister, the daughter of my father, but ...
James7 Before Mount Sinai (R,T) 1 125,532 07-20-2007, 03:39 AM
    Thread: Honoring the Festivals and Hanukkah
Post: Holidays

I was wondering if there are any holidays that are "off limits" to B'nei Noach, or are we able to celebrate them all? -James
James7 Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T) 8 85,374 07-15-2007, 03:07 AM
    Thread: Wearing a tallis?
Post: Wearing a tallis?

In the book The Path of the Righteous Gentile: An Introduction to the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah, by Rabbi Rogalsky [Copyright 19'87, ISBN-10 087306433X, which is the only authorized edition],...
James7 Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T) 12 96,348 06-21-2007, 10:17 PM
    Thread: Reading Kabbalah
Post: Reading Kabbalah

Is it OK for a Gentile to read the Zohar? If so, what translation is the best?
James7 Torah Study for Noahides (R) 19 124,552 06-12-2007, 01:14 AM
    Thread: Biblical Gehinom
Post: Biblical Gehinom

Where in the Tanakh [Hebrew Bible] does it say that there is a place of purification for the souls? Is this Biblical or purely Rabbinical?
James7 End of Physical Life (T) 24 158,473 06-07-2007, 01:01 AM
  Question Thread: The First Keepers of Torah
Post: The First Keepers of Torah

I was reading The Path of the Righteous Gentile and it said: "The Patriarchs fulfilled the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah, and through their gift of prophecy saw what the Sinai Revelat...
James7 Before Mount Sinai (R,T) 4 170,651 06-02-2007, 01:00 AM