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    Thread: Approaching study of Written and Oral Torah
Post: RE: Approaching study of Written and Oral Torah

Shalom dear Rav Schulman and Noahides students, I'd like to add that I keep my Chumash in a closet, so if I change my clothes in the bedroom, this does not become disrespectful. Best wishes to a...
alexdantas Torah Study for Noahides (R) 21 143,350 01-31-2017, 12:42 AM
    Thread: Abortion
Post: RE: Abortion

Dear Rav Schulman, For a person who practiced this crime (abortion) of his own free will, should I severely advise him that in addition to sincere repentance, this person should become an extreme d...
alexdantas Prohibition of Murder and Injury (R, T) 7 50,444 01-19-2017, 09:47 PM
    Thread: The awful choice between suicide and sin
Post: RE: The awful choice between suicide and sin

According to what has been transcribed from the book "Divine Code" by Hrvatski Noahid. I understand that depending on the level of mental illness (depression for example) that a person has, G-d forbi...
alexdantas Prohibition of Murder and Injury (R, T) 7 44,867 12-23-2015, 05:49 PM
    Thread: Processed foods with animal-based ingredients
Post: RE: Processed foods with animal-based ingredients

Shalom Mr. Schulman and friends, Would be the case of a person, Bnei Noach, choose to eat only kosher food if it has a financial position to do so, and so rejecting all doubt? Thanks, Alex
alexdantas Treatment of Animals/Forbidden Meat (R, T) 5 29,625 10-09-2015, 03:54 AM
    Thread: Freedom of religion
Post: RE: Freedom of religion

A Noahide nation ??? For me it's unimaginable ... totally utopian ... in order to live the legitimate Monotheism, without idolatrous and depraved atmosphere that oppresses us. I do not see another way...
alexdantas Laws and Courts (T) 2 18,992 07-13-2015, 11:54 PM
    Thread: Biblical Gehinom
Post: RE: Biblical Gehinom

Shalom to all... The term "cease to exist" intrigues me ... We were taught in the idolatrous religions, especially the false messiah two things ... the one side says everyone can be saved after de...
alexdantas End of Physical Life (T) 24 157,969 02-14-2015, 10:06 PM
    Thread: When a loved one dies, is that the end of the relationship?
Post: Reincarnations and Resurrection

Hello Mr. Schulman and Asknoah! If a soul has had some reincarnations, what would be your immortal body on the day of resurrection? I suppose the body that the soul was the first incarnation, wou...
alexdantas End of Physical Life (T) 5 32,948 01-12-2015, 01:56 AM
    Thread: Terrorism
Post: RE: Terrorism

By the Grace of G'd! Shalom to all! Dear Dr. Schulman, I realized that one generation in modern times is 20 years... I understand you correctly? More, thank Hrvatski Noahid, by posting. It br...
alexdantas Prohibition of Murder and Injury (R, T) 4 29,781 01-11-2015, 11:08 PM
    Thread: Burial for Noahides
Post: RE: Burial for Noahides

By the grace of G'd! Shalom! Within this context, I ask: There may be a problem for the soul of a Righteous Gentile, touch a dead, even if he one of your parents (G'd forbid)? And if not a par...
alexdantas End of Physical Life (T) 5 44,076 12-18-2014, 09:50 PM
    Thread: Noahide ritual purity?
Post: RE: Noahide ritual purity?

By the Grace of G'd Dr. Schulman and Academy of Rabbis In the case of issue of involuntary semen, previously mentioned that at night can happen, but I would add that the issue can occur during a...
alexdantas Intimate Relations 4 31,655 12-17-2014, 07:34 PM
    Thread: Marriage and Marital Issues
Post: RE: Marriage

Mr. Rabbi Moshe Reiner and Dr. Schulman, thank you for instructions. So I constituting a noetic family, where I, the wife, and the children we are keepers of Noetic Laws, adherents to modesty and hum...
alexdantas Intimate Relations 20 150,345 12-05-2014, 06:57 PM
    Thread: Marriage and Marital Issues
Post: Instructions on how to demonstrate affection for c...

Shalom to all! I would like to ask some questions about behavior in general within a marriage. If I marry a woman who already has two daughters, I will consider me a father to them. What is the lim...
alexdantas Intimate Relations 20 150,345 12-03-2014, 11:26 PM
    Thread: Eating meat that was not removed from a living animal
Post: RE: Eating meat

I have a deep pangs of conscience because I need to eat meat 100% non-kosher ... Animals are deeply badly treated and confined to life, and then are killed anyway, or even worse, are shredded alive! I...
alexdantas Treatment of Animals/Forbidden Meat (R, T) 10 70,247 11-24-2014, 11:30 PM
    Thread: Abortion
Post: RE: Abortion

Abortion is the same as murder. Murder is not a death sin? So for the forgiveness of God, would be enough, repentance and change of attitude, that is, never ever, not even think of committing such a ...
alexdantas Prohibition of Murder and Injury (R, T) 7 50,444 11-24-2014, 03:11 AM
    Thread: Marriage and Marital Issues
Post: RE: Marriage

- By the grace of God, this phrase was very important ... "Therefore dating, and anything else in a person's life, should not be approached from a purely secular perspective, but rather from the persp...
alexdantas Intimate Relations 20 150,345 11-16-2014, 08:44 PM
    Thread: Marriage and Marital Issues
Post: Noahide couple, dating, engagement and marriage?

How should the relationship between the Noahide couple, dating, engagement and marriage? I believe that dating is nonexistent because physical contact is a big risk. After the secular form of dating ...
alexdantas Intimate Relations 20 150,345 11-13-2014, 01:10 AM
    Thread: Contraceptives and Righteous Gentiles
Post: RE: Contraceptives and Righteous Gentiles

Shalom to all from Brazil! This is my first participation in the forum. I do not speak English, I'm using a base that I have and Google Translator, so I apologize for any misunderstanding. In Genesis...
alexdantas Intimate Relations 20 146,787 11-09-2014, 08:22 AM