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Thread: Burial for Noahides
Post: Cremation/Burial
I know Jews are not permitted to be cremated, so what about Noachides? This is kind of related so I guess I will piggie back this question on top: are Noachides forbidden to have tattoos and piercing... |
PlasticMan |
End of Physical Life (T)
5 |
45,093 |
05-15-2008, 11:22 PM |
Thread: Liturgy / Prayer Book (Siddur)
Post: RE: Noahide Prayers
What about the morning blessings such as "girds Israel with strength" and "crowns Israel with splendor" when you put on a belt and hat respectively?
Should we not say those as Noachides? |
PlasticMan |
Noahide Prayer (R)
22 |
166,847 |
05-15-2008, 11:12 PM |
Thread: Charity and Tithing by Noahides
Post: RE: Tithing for Noahides?
James7 Wrote:
Noahides aren't required to tithe. We can give if we want to, and there are no rules on what to give; only that we shouldn't give to charities that promote man-made religions.
D... |
PlasticMan |
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
24 |
158,058 |
05-15-2008, 10:45 PM |
Thread: Questions about Tehillim (Psalms)
Post: RE: Tehillim
Director Michael Wrote:
It's clear that you misunderstood Psalm 137. The last two verses are not a prayer, G-d forbid. They are a prophetic statement of fact. That was in fact what happened when ... |
PlasticMan |
Noahide Prayer (R)
13 |
91,162 |
05-15-2008, 09:24 PM |
Thread: Mezuzah
Post: RE: Mezuzah
Wow! Thanks for all that, it's much appreciated. That clears up a lot of issues. :)
Can you clarify the last sentence in parentheses "(But it should not be done with an intention that he is doing... |
PlasticMan |
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
9 |
117,723 |
05-12-2008, 12:59 AM |
Thread: Judaism's Branches and Noahides
Post: Judaism's Branches and Noahides
As I'm sure you are aware, there are many different "kinds" of Judaism, and since Noahides must follow Jewish rabbis' decisions on spiritual matters, one is left with the question, which rabbis? |
PlasticMan |
Basic Principles (R,T)
7 |
50,041 |
05-12-2008, 12:47 AM |
Thread: Questions about Tehillim (Psalms)
Post: Tehillim (Psalms)
Recently I read about and began following the monthly schedule of saying all the Tehillim during prayer, but ever since reading 137, I find it difficult to say any of the Tehillim. I feel all the hol... |
PlasticMan |
Noahide Prayer (R)
13 |
91,162 |
05-12-2008, 12:19 AM |
Thread: Mezuzah
Post: RE: Mezuzah
Hi Director Michael. In another thread you said "A Noahide can draw inspiration and insight from Jewish commandments which are not incumbent on non-Jews." With that in mind, isn't it ok to affix a M... |
PlasticMan |
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
9 |
117,723 |
05-11-2008, 08:40 AM |