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    Thread: The One G-d and His relationship with mankind
Post: RE: G-d's Love

Hi, Good stuff. Thanks a lot for sharing everything..!!
piersonramsey Basic Principles (R,T) 14 90,278 10-08-2009, 03:54 PM
    Thread: Blessings before eating or drinking
Post: RE: Blessings before eating or drinking

Hi to all, I have habit of watching TV or listening song during while I'm eating. I also pray before a eating any thing.
piersonramsey Noahide Prayer (R) 11 72,432 10-06-2009, 03:09 PM
    Thread: Fasting..?
Post: Fasting..?

Hi to all, I have a habit of fasting a lot. Is this good habit? I can't control my self. What are the side effects of this? How can I remove it? Please Help...
piersonramsey Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T) 5 37,449 10-02-2009, 09:18 PM