11-12-2017, 09:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2024, 02:51 AM by Director Michael.)
(Updated in 20'24)
Greetings Larry. Once you have your hands on The Divine Code, 4th Edition, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner of Jerusalem, you will see that the in-depth study of the Noahide Code and its philosophy is no longer lacking in the world. The printed book is now available directly from Asknoah.org at reduced cost, and also from Amazon.com and Kehotonline.com.
The e-book edition of The Divine Code, 4th Edition (Parts I-VIII) is available from Amazon Kindle:
To go deeper into the spiritual lessons for Gentiles within the Written and Oral Torah, we recommend another book by Rabbi Weiner, titled Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge. It is available in print and as an e-book, or as a free download from our site, with the links and the Table of Contents shown on the following page:
*TABLE OF CONTENTS for Parts I-VIII of "The Divine Code," 4th Edition:
Editor’s Preface by Michael Schulman, Ph.D.
Author’s Introduction
Part I: Fundamentals of the Faith
Introduction by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet
1. Awareness of God; The Torah of Moses; Deniers and Deviators from the Foundations of Faith
2. Proselytizers and False Prophets
3. The Prohibition Against Making a New Religion or Adding a Commandment
4. Liability to Divine and Earthly Punishments
5. Torah Study for Gentile
6. Serving God; Prayer and Grace After Meals
7. Sacrificial Offerings
8. Obligatory Moral Conduct
9. Repentance
Part II: The Prohibition of Idolatry
Introduction by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet
1. The Prohibition of Idol Worship
2. The Prohibition of Turning to Idol Worship
3. Which Actions Make One Liable for Idol Worship
4. The Service of Molech
5. Forbidden Statues, Images and Pillars
6. The Prohibition of Creating a New Religion
7. The Obligation to Eliminate Idol Worship, and the Prohibition of Benefiting from It
8. Aspects of Idolatry from which Benefit is Allowed, and Nullification of Idols
9. Objects Offered to Idols, and Decorations of Idols
10. The Prohibition Against Aiding Idol Worshipers
11. Practices that are Forbidden as Customs of Idol Worshipers
12. The Prohibition of Swearing or Vowing in the Name of an Idol
Part III: The Prohibition of Blasphemy, Including the Laws of Vows
Introduction by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet
1. The Obligation to Respect God’s Name, and What is Forbidden as Blasphemy
2. Obligations to Revere and Fear God
3. Laws of Vows and Promises
4. Annulment of Vows and Promises, and Vows Made According to the Public’s Understanding
Part IV: The Prohibition of Eating Meat that was Separated from a Living Animal, Including Restrictions on Causing Suffering to Living Creatures, Mating Different Species of Animals, and Grafting Different Species of Fruit Trees
Introduction by Joe M. Regenstein, Ph.D.
1. Permissions and Prohibitions Commanded to Gentiles Regarding Meat; Species for which Meat from a Living Animal is Forbidden
2. Which Parts from a Living Animal are Prohibited to be Eaten
3. The Prohibition of Separating Meat from an Animal that is Living or in the Process of Dying, and Restrictions on Consuming such Meat after the Animal’s Death
4. Maimed or Broken Limbs
5. The Precepts Pertaining to a Fetus, and to Eggs
6. Deriving Benefit from Flesh Separated from a Living Animal; Cases with a Doubt, and Mixtures with Forbidden Meat
7. Restrictions on Causing Suffering to a Living Creature
8. The Prohibition of Mating Different Species of Animals
9. The Prohibition of Grafting Different Species of Fruit Trees
Part V: The Prohibition of Murder and Injury
Introduction by Dr. Michael Schulman
1. Details of the Prohibition of Murder; Abortion; Euthanasia; Causing Mortal Injury, and Partners in Murder
2. Suicide, and Sacrificing One’s Life for One of the Seven Noahide Commandments
3. Laws of a Pursuer and Self Defense
4. An Accidental Killer’s Obligation for Exile, Laws of a Blood-Redeemer, and Cities of Refuge
5. Intentional and Unintentional Killing, and Killing Through Negligence or Under Duress
6. The Prohibition of Causing Personal Injury or Damage
7. The Prohibition of Endangering Oneself or Another, and the Obligation to Save a Person’s Life
8. The Prohibitions of Embarrassing Another Person,Evil Gossip, and Tale-bearing
9. Reproductive Sterilization, Contraception, Emitting Semen “in Vain,” and the Severity of the Sin of Murder
Part VI: The Prohibition of Forbidden Relations. Including Precepts Relating to Marriage, Divorce, Marital Relations, and Being Alone with a Forbidden Partner
Introduction by Arthur A. Goldberg
1. Categories of Sexual Partners and Acts that are Forbidden
2. The Prohibitions of Homosexual and Bestial Relations
3. The Prohibition of Relations with Other Men’s Wives; Marital Status of Minors; Precepts Related to Adultery by a Gentile with a Jewess; Marriage of an Enslaved Woman; Partners with Whom there can be no Status of Marriage
4. Precepts Related to Marriage, Fornication and Divorce
5. Precepts Related to Spilling Semen, and Contraception
6. Guarding Against Forbidden Relations, and Following Ways of Modesty
7. Prohibitions Related to Being Alone with a Forbidden Partner
Part VII: The Prohibition of Theft
Introduction by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
1. The Prohibition of Theft
2. Laws of Returning Stolen Objects, and Restitution for Theft
3. The Prohibitions of Aiding or Having Benefit from Theft or Buying Stolen Property, and the Laws of Unintentional Theft
4. Laws of Saving Oneself or One’s Property at the Expense of Another’s Money; Taking the Law into One’s Own Hand
5. Theft Incurred by False Measurements, and the Prohibition of Cheating or Misinforming Another Person
6. The Prohibition of Extortion, and Forcing a Purchase
7. Laws of Borrowing, Renting, Responsibility for an Entrusted Item, and Holding Collateral for a Loan
8. Stealing or Encroaching Upon Real Estate Property
9. The Prohibition of Kidnapping; Stealing Enslaved Persons
10. The Prohibition of Rape, and Laws of Taking Captives
11. Bodily Injury and Damaging Another’s Property
12. The Laws of a Delinquent Debtor and One Who Withholds Payment Owed to a Hired Person
13. The Laws of a Worker in Regard to the Employer
14. Government Authority; Laws of Land Conquered in War
15. Laws of Ownerless Items and Finding Lost Objects
16. Maintaining Peace in Society by Forbidding Acts Similar to Theft
Part VIII: Establishment of Laws and Courts
Introduction by Rabbi Dr. Shimon D. Cowen
1. The Obligation for a Gentile Society to Set Up a Judicial System
2. The Prohibition Against Perverting the Course of Justice or Taking a Bribe
3. Monetary Laws, and Laws of Mediation and Arbitration
4. Societal Morality and the Obligation of Doing Kindness
Greetings Larry. Once you have your hands on The Divine Code, 4th Edition, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner of Jerusalem, you will see that the in-depth study of the Noahide Code and its philosophy is no longer lacking in the world. The printed book is now available directly from Asknoah.org at reduced cost, and also from Amazon.com and Kehotonline.com.
The e-book edition of The Divine Code, 4th Edition (Parts I-VIII) is available from Amazon Kindle:
To go deeper into the spiritual lessons for Gentiles within the Written and Oral Torah, we recommend another book by Rabbi Weiner, titled Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge. It is available in print and as an e-book, or as a free download from our site, with the links and the Table of Contents shown on the following page:
*TABLE OF CONTENTS for Parts I-VIII of "The Divine Code," 4th Edition:
Editor’s Preface by Michael Schulman, Ph.D.
Author’s Introduction
Part I: Fundamentals of the Faith
Introduction by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet
1. Awareness of God; The Torah of Moses; Deniers and Deviators from the Foundations of Faith
2. Proselytizers and False Prophets
3. The Prohibition Against Making a New Religion or Adding a Commandment
4. Liability to Divine and Earthly Punishments
5. Torah Study for Gentile
6. Serving God; Prayer and Grace After Meals
7. Sacrificial Offerings
8. Obligatory Moral Conduct
9. Repentance
Part II: The Prohibition of Idolatry
Introduction by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet
1. The Prohibition of Idol Worship
2. The Prohibition of Turning to Idol Worship
3. Which Actions Make One Liable for Idol Worship
4. The Service of Molech
5. Forbidden Statues, Images and Pillars
6. The Prohibition of Creating a New Religion
7. The Obligation to Eliminate Idol Worship, and the Prohibition of Benefiting from It
8. Aspects of Idolatry from which Benefit is Allowed, and Nullification of Idols
9. Objects Offered to Idols, and Decorations of Idols
10. The Prohibition Against Aiding Idol Worshipers
11. Practices that are Forbidden as Customs of Idol Worshipers
12. The Prohibition of Swearing or Vowing in the Name of an Idol
Part III: The Prohibition of Blasphemy, Including the Laws of Vows
Introduction by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet
1. The Obligation to Respect God’s Name, and What is Forbidden as Blasphemy
2. Obligations to Revere and Fear God
3. Laws of Vows and Promises
4. Annulment of Vows and Promises, and Vows Made According to the Public’s Understanding
Part IV: The Prohibition of Eating Meat that was Separated from a Living Animal, Including Restrictions on Causing Suffering to Living Creatures, Mating Different Species of Animals, and Grafting Different Species of Fruit Trees
Introduction by Joe M. Regenstein, Ph.D.
1. Permissions and Prohibitions Commanded to Gentiles Regarding Meat; Species for which Meat from a Living Animal is Forbidden
2. Which Parts from a Living Animal are Prohibited to be Eaten
3. The Prohibition of Separating Meat from an Animal that is Living or in the Process of Dying, and Restrictions on Consuming such Meat after the Animal’s Death
4. Maimed or Broken Limbs
5. The Precepts Pertaining to a Fetus, and to Eggs
6. Deriving Benefit from Flesh Separated from a Living Animal; Cases with a Doubt, and Mixtures with Forbidden Meat
7. Restrictions on Causing Suffering to a Living Creature
8. The Prohibition of Mating Different Species of Animals
9. The Prohibition of Grafting Different Species of Fruit Trees
Part V: The Prohibition of Murder and Injury
Introduction by Dr. Michael Schulman
1. Details of the Prohibition of Murder; Abortion; Euthanasia; Causing Mortal Injury, and Partners in Murder
2. Suicide, and Sacrificing One’s Life for One of the Seven Noahide Commandments
3. Laws of a Pursuer and Self Defense
4. An Accidental Killer’s Obligation for Exile, Laws of a Blood-Redeemer, and Cities of Refuge
5. Intentional and Unintentional Killing, and Killing Through Negligence or Under Duress
6. The Prohibition of Causing Personal Injury or Damage
7. The Prohibition of Endangering Oneself or Another, and the Obligation to Save a Person’s Life
8. The Prohibitions of Embarrassing Another Person,Evil Gossip, and Tale-bearing
9. Reproductive Sterilization, Contraception, Emitting Semen “in Vain,” and the Severity of the Sin of Murder
Part VI: The Prohibition of Forbidden Relations. Including Precepts Relating to Marriage, Divorce, Marital Relations, and Being Alone with a Forbidden Partner
Introduction by Arthur A. Goldberg
1. Categories of Sexual Partners and Acts that are Forbidden
2. The Prohibitions of Homosexual and Bestial Relations
3. The Prohibition of Relations with Other Men’s Wives; Marital Status of Minors; Precepts Related to Adultery by a Gentile with a Jewess; Marriage of an Enslaved Woman; Partners with Whom there can be no Status of Marriage
4. Precepts Related to Marriage, Fornication and Divorce
5. Precepts Related to Spilling Semen, and Contraception
6. Guarding Against Forbidden Relations, and Following Ways of Modesty
7. Prohibitions Related to Being Alone with a Forbidden Partner
Part VII: The Prohibition of Theft
Introduction by Rabbi Moshe Weiner
1. The Prohibition of Theft
2. Laws of Returning Stolen Objects, and Restitution for Theft
3. The Prohibitions of Aiding or Having Benefit from Theft or Buying Stolen Property, and the Laws of Unintentional Theft
4. Laws of Saving Oneself or One’s Property at the Expense of Another’s Money; Taking the Law into One’s Own Hand
5. Theft Incurred by False Measurements, and the Prohibition of Cheating or Misinforming Another Person
6. The Prohibition of Extortion, and Forcing a Purchase
7. Laws of Borrowing, Renting, Responsibility for an Entrusted Item, and Holding Collateral for a Loan
8. Stealing or Encroaching Upon Real Estate Property
9. The Prohibition of Kidnapping; Stealing Enslaved Persons
10. The Prohibition of Rape, and Laws of Taking Captives
11. Bodily Injury and Damaging Another’s Property
12. The Laws of a Delinquent Debtor and One Who Withholds Payment Owed to a Hired Person
13. The Laws of a Worker in Regard to the Employer
14. Government Authority; Laws of Land Conquered in War
15. Laws of Ownerless Items and Finding Lost Objects
16. Maintaining Peace in Society by Forbidding Acts Similar to Theft
Part VIII: Establishment of Laws and Courts
Introduction by Rabbi Dr. Shimon D. Cowen
1. The Obligation for a Gentile Society to Set Up a Judicial System
2. The Prohibition Against Perverting the Course of Justice or Taking a Bribe
3. Monetary Laws, and Laws of Mediation and Arbitration
4. Societal Morality and the Obligation of Doing Kindness