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05-12-2008, 12:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2014, 12:39 PM by Director Michael.)
As I'm sure you are aware, there are many different "kinds" of Judaism, and since Noahides must follow Jewish rabbis' decisions on spiritual matters, one is left with the question, which rabbis?
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05-14-2008, 06:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 12:29 PM by Director Michael.)
There is a difference between seeking a mentor (for non-obligatory advice), and seeking a correct answer to a question about practical observance of a Noahide Commandment.
If a Noahide needs an answer to a question about practical observance, he/she can ask a Torah-observant person who is expert in the Torah Law for Noahides regarding that subject. Since the Torah Law for Noahides has recently been codified in the book "Sefer Sheva Mitzvot HaShem" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, it's proper to ask an observant person who has carefully studied that source, or obtain the English translation when it becomes available.
If a Noahide is seeking mentoring (non-obligatory advice) and is wondering who to turn to, he/she can consider the following advice about this that was given by the Rebbe on Purim, 5747 (March 15, '87):
Torah instructs: "Provide yourself with a mentor." But how does one know who to choose as a spiritual guide? The Talmud Tractate Berachos teaches: "A mentor must be like an angel of G-d." In his code of Jewish law, Maimonides offers a clue to the conduct of an angel. He describes the future world, "when there will be no envy, rivalry, war or ha[/font]tred," and concludes: "At that time the righteous will resemble the Ministering Angels." So to resemble an angel of G-d means, to be free of the corruptions of one's body.
This clearly includes freedom from personal "envy, rivalry, war or hatred."
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09-07-2009, 12:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2009, 03:00 AM by Director Michael.)
Director Michael Wrote:But in general, Gentiles are not held responsible for each other, and the main Heavenly judgment for a particular lifetime is based on one's own thoughts, speech and actions. If an observant Noahide has friends or a parent who are Jewish but not observant, would he/she be held accountable for not telling them that they should be doing what they're obligated to do? Would being too scared to tell them because it might cause an argument or disagreement be an excuse? I'm confused as to whether this should be done, or whether it's discouraged and not allowed because of disagreement, etc.
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09-08-2009, 03:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2009, 03:18 AM by Director Michael.)
Daniel2 Wrote:If an observant Noahide has friends or a parent who are Jewish but not observant, would he/she be held accountable for not telling them that they should be doing what they're obligated to do?
Daniel2 Wrote:Would being too scared to tell them because it might cause an argument or disagreement be an excuse?
Sure, but again, you don't have that as an obligation. On the other hand, if you can find some pleasant way to get your Jewish relative or friend to do even just one additional Jewish mitzvah (even just once), it is a great accomplishment.
Daniel2 Wrote:I'm confused as to whether this should be done, or whether it's discouraged and not allowed because of disagreement, etc.
If you see that it would cause anger and hurt feelings, it would be discouraged. But with patience and perhaps some light discussions leading up to it, you might see an opening for an opportunity, through Divine Providence. Then by all means, try not to pass up the opportunity.
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09-30-2014, 01:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2014, 12:44 PM by Director Michael.)
I have a question of whether a Gentile is allowed to live in a home of a Jewish person. I think I heard a Jewish person say it was not biblical.
Would it be legal for me to visit a Jewish person's home for the sake of visiting, or if allowed to stay, stay over for a few days?
Thank you.
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When making decisions about sharing the same home with a Jewish person or family, or living in the same home as a renter or boarder, or even just visiting, one important thing to keep in mind is a Jew's obligation to observe his or her prohibition against being alone in a private setting with a person of the opposite gender who is not his or her spouse or a close family member. That is in general terms, and there are lots of details in this Jewish law that depend on specific situations and scenarios. This topic is reviewed from the perspective of Noahide observance in the book "The Divine Code," Part VI, ch. 7, pp. 546-558.
If the Jewish person is keeping a kosher kitchen with kosher vessels and utensils for cooking and eating, the rules for the Gentile housemate's use of the kitchenware and appliances would have to be worked out.
For specific practical questions, a reliable Orthodox rabbi should consulted.
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Soon I may have a chance to meet a woman who has been said to be an "Orthodox rabbi." However, I didn't think there was such a thing!
I am clear that Orthodox Judaism is the only legitimate type. To have believed in any of the other 'movements,' which in my view are not Judaism, has meant reading from the Jewish Scriptures and then talking about why none of it is relevant to today's world! In truth, the Hebrew Bible is for all generations. I personally believe that any other 'movement' has not really been a form of Judaism but only a corruption. Believing in the legitimacy of other 'movements' has been roughly equivalent to believing there was not an Oral Torah passed down from Mt. Sinai. Based on this line of reasoning, and the proof in the Hebrew Bible of the legitimacy of the Oral Torah itself, I know that Orthodox is the only right way.
So what can be said about "Orthodox rabbi" women? Is it a controversial issue? Or, as some have said, has it only been controversial to those who don't know the halacha?
I feel that Judaism has tremendous respect for women and regards them highly, but doesn't pretend that men and women are exactly the same. My gut tells me that a woman can't be an Orthodox rabbi, but if not, then why not?
Please give references to prove the opinion conveyed in your response.
Thank you very much for your help,
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10-08-2018, 05:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 12:31 PM by Director Michael.)
Thanks for your question. As I hope that you're aware, just seeing a title in front of a name does not mean very much in and of itself these days. One has to look at the person's actual credentials, how they acquired the title, and how they are actually doing what they do.
You are correct that there is no such thing as an authentically ordained woman rabbi in traditional Orthodox Judaism.
We don't need to discuss the ordination of women "rabbis" by the Reform, Conservative or Reconstructionist movements, because those movements have anyway overtly broken away from G-d's Laws in the Torah tradition from Mount Sinai.
There is a modern movement called "Modern Orthodox" Judaism which has been trying to push this and other liberalizing agendas, but they are another in the sequence of ongoing break-away movements from the Torah Law that was given by G-d through Moses at Mount Sinai and transmitted through the ages by the authentic Prophets and Sages of the Jewish people.
Suffice it to say that this issue has been raised and fully considered and debated by the Torah-law authorities of Orthodox Judaism in our recent generations. As it always has been, *necessary* adjustments in the practice of Torah-law Judaism are still determined by majority opinion of the currently recognized Torah-law authorities, with the necessary acceptance of the Orthodox Jewish population as a whole. An example would be the necessary adjustments to Jewish practice that were made for European Jewry that resulted in the differences between Ashkenazic and Sephardic Orthodox Judaism. Almost always since the time that the current temporary Jewish diaspora began about 2000 years ago, those types of changes have involved adding extra restrictions (making needed "fences" around the Torah-law), instead of removing any restrictions, at least in regard to major issues.
The Torah-law basis for the official ruling - that the traditional proscription against women being ordained as Orthodox Rabbis is valid and should be continued - is beyond the scope of this web site. For an official statement that this is indeed the majority Orthodox-Rabbinical opinion to be followed, please see the 2015 Resolution on the RCA (Rabbinical Council of America) Policy Concerning Women Rabbis: