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07-20-2007, 12:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2014, 02:37 AM by Director Michael.)
I received an offer from a Torah Observant publishing company for a portion from the Schottenstein English Edition of the Talmud (Tractate Gittin 55b-56a) describing the interpersonal conflicts that led to the ruin of the Second Temple. Would this be permissible for a Noahide to read and study, especially for Tishah B'Av?
What should a Noahide do if he has studied the Talmud?
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07-26-2007, 10:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 09:38 AM by Director Michael.)
Besides the books of the Hebrew Scriptures that are suggested for Noahides to read on Tishah B'Av [the Book of Lamentations (Eichah) and the Book of Job (Iyov)], you can read a reliable history book about the periods leading up to the destruction of the Temples. Here is a recommended book:
"History Of Jewish People Volume 1 - 2nd Temple Era," by Rabbi Hersh Goldwurm, pub. by Artscroll.
If a Noahide has previously studied the Talmud, he could consult with a reliable Orthodox Rabbi to find out if the study was done in the mode of "osek ba'Torah" [in-depth Torah study] in an area unrelated to the Noahide Code, in which case the Noahide would know that he should do a sincere repentance. Or he could repent in any case on the assumption that there might have been an infraction, and resolve to be more careful in the future. See the answer this FAQ question:
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06-02-2009, 08:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2011, 09:43 PM by Director Michael.)
Abijah Wrote:It is difficult to follow the restrictions for non-Jews regarding Delving into Torah and "pilpul". I honestly have no idea what the words mean.
These terms are explained in Part I, Chapter 5, of "The Divine Code," Volume 1, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, quoted here:
Quote:What is “delving into Torah”? It is learning only for the sake of acquiring the Torah knowledge itself (which is called “learning Torah for its own sake”). This means deep involvement in the study, and penetrating, investigative learning ("pilpul" in Hebrew [which is the Jewish style of learning Talmud]). This includes learning to deeply understand the detailed Torah laws, the deeper reasons for the commandments, or the depth of the intention of the words of Torah, and not for any other goal.*
Quote:*“Delving into Torah” refers here to learning Torah “for its own sake,” and delving into the reasons for the commandments. This is likewise implied from Meiri on Tractate Sanhedrin 59a: “if he is involved in Torah not for the sake of keeping the commandments, but only because he desires to fathom the wisdom of the [Written] Torah and Talmud.” ... for any Torah commandment that has a reason and benefit for a Gentile to perform, it is permitted for him to do, (and therefore he may also learn the details of its performance), and if it is a purely spiritual Jewish precept, it is prohibited for Gentiles to do.
Likewise in regard to learning Torah, one who learns to obtain a [practical] benefit, like one who wants to know the logical societal laws as the Torah gives them, is permitted to learn the parts of Torah which are connected to this, like the Book of Damages in the Mishnah, or the section Choshen Mishpat in the Code of Jewish Law (the Shulchan Aruch). Since he is learning this for his own [practical] benefit, and he is certainly not learning Torah “for its own sake,” this is not called “delving into Torah,” and it is permitted.
Therefore, anyone who wants to learn Torah in order to perform the logical commandments, such as honoring parents, returning lost objects, and giving charity, is not forbidden to do so, because he wants to perform these as righteous and upright actions, and not as spiritual statutes [examples of "spiritual statutes" which would be wearing special fringes on the corners of garment, or taking care to avoid eating a mixture of meat and dairy products].
... a Gentile who is involved in learning Torah for its own sake ... is adding another commandment onto the Seven Noahide Commandments, just like one who puts on tefillin, from which he has no personal benefit and therefore is doing it only as a commandment of G-d, or one who observes a sabbath for the sake of Heaven, or fasts on Yom Kippur as a Divine commandment; all such observances are forbidden for Gentiles.
... when a Gentile learns a part of Torah for the purpose of observing a Noahide commandment, he receives a reward, in addition to the reward for observing the Seven Noahide Commandments themselves. And even more so, since his learning Torah about the seven commandments is connected to the particular commandment that it relates to, the learning is a fulfillment of a directive from G-d. Therefore, learning about the Seven Noahide Commandments is called a permissible “involvement” in Torah study, and the reward for this learning and involvement in Torah is great.
In brief ...:
a) Learning Torah “for its own sake” ... is the aspect of Torah that is a betrothal and inheritance from G-d to the Jews alone, and is forbidden for Gentiles.
b) Deep learning of the Seven Noahide Commandments and the full breadth of the Noahide Code by pious Gentiles for the sake of observing their obligations [is permitted and encouraged]. Since a Gentile is commanded by G-d regarding the Noahide Code, and this includes the study of these precepts within Torah, the reward for this study is great; it is a spiritual reward that is like the reward for observing the Noahide commandments.
c) For other Torah study that is *permitted* for Gentiles but is not related to the observance of a [particular] obligatory precept [for example, learning to know the basic content of the Hebrew scriptures, and to know what are the commandments that are given to the Jews, and to know the Torah's advice for moral or healthy or civilized living], ... there is the reward of the benefit it provides for him, like the advantages he can derive from the Jewish precepts that are permissible for him [like honoring parents and giving proper charity], which may be performed by Gentiles for the sake of the practical benefit that will result [but not as if they were one's own Divine commandments].
... But [regarding] a Gentile who does not observe his seven commandments ... if he serves idols (or follows other paths of heresy), and nevertheless involves himself in Torah learning, he is liable [for this study.]
I hope this helps!
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06-09-2009, 10:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2014, 02:22 AM by Director Michael.)
Some Oral Torah sources are in themselves in-depth (Talmudic) or esoteric (Kabalistic) discussions which have no practical value for Gentiles, nor do they relate to any of the fundamental principles of the Noahide faith. So the only reason a Gentile would have for studying those would just be for the sake of exploring that Oral-Torah source itself. That would be in the category of the aspect of Torah study called "gemarah learning" that is prohibited for Gentiles (i.e., prohibited if it is not in an aspect of the Noahide Code). The reasons for this are explained (for example) in "The Divine Code," Volume 1, Part 1, Chapter 5.
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01-22-2010, 11:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2010, 02:27 PM by Director Michael.)
I apologize if this has already been discussed. I've been a little confused and worried about what "delving" in the Torah means. I've been reading "The Divine Code" (Volume 1), and what I've read about this subject seems to be pretty clear. And so I'm wondering, should I put a limit on the number of classes I take? I'm taking a class, aside from my own daily Psalms and Torah portion readings, 4 or 5 nights a week.
Thank you!
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Just the number of classes is not an issue. The issue is what is being taught, and how in-depth the teacher is going. You can find helpful guidelines in "The Divine Code" (Volume 1), in the chapter on Torah Study.
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06-11-2012, 08:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-12-2012, 09:37 AM by Director Michael.)
I am reading the book, The Path Of The Righteous Gentile and in chapter four it states that "the Noahite who studies portions of the Torah that do not pertain to him damages his soul." Can you please explain to me how he damages it and why? And what are they? Thank you.
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06-12-2012, 03:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-12-2012, 03:47 PM by Director Michael.)
Unfortunately, as you recognized, that statement you quoted is far too ambiguous.
For faithful Noahides who recognize and accept the Torah as revelation of G-d's Wisdom, the issue of permissibility of a particular source for Torah study is not what topic is being studied (what it applies to) per se, but rather the depth of the level of study. Torah study on a basic level is open for faithful Noahides (but not for non-believers), even in topics that are unrelated to the Noahide Code. On the other hand, in-depth study/analysis by Noahides is only permitted (by G-d) in areas related to the Noahide Code - these are all the areas related to the Divine service of Noahides, which extend to many topics beyond just the Seven Noahide Commandments themselves (for example: knowledge of G-d - and His Unity, His attributes, His ways, His Divine Providence, etc.; prayer and contemplation; principles of Torah-based faith; moral and pious conduct; self-improvement; etc.). But in topics that relate exclusively to Jews, a Noahide is only permitted to study at a basic level, and not in-depth. If a Noahide goes ahead and studies in-depth in topics which are only permitted for him at a basic level, it is a rebellion and a serious sin against G-d's directive, and also it can weaken the Noahide's faith, particularly through misunderstanding. Therefore it needs to be corrected and repented for. In "The Path...", the authors euphemistically wrote "damages his soul" in place of "commits a mortal sin".
"What are they?"
(1) Studying any topic with in-depth, searching analysis, especially by means of delving into the advanced Rabbinical sources and commentaries.
(2) Some sources by their very nature are written on an in-depth level, so just reading through those sources involves in-depth study. Therefore, study within those sources is only permitted for Noahides if the topic being studied is related to the Noahide Code - for example: Talmud, advanced Rabbinical commentaries and analysis, Kabbalah, advanced Hassidic discourses
(3) Even for topics that are related to the Noahide Code, a Noahide who wishes to study in-depth is strongly advised to seek advice, tutelage and instruction from a reliable Torah-scholar Orthodox Jewish Rabbi or layperson, or a reliable expert Noahide.
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Thank you Director for your answer to my question. It was very helpful.
C J Tibbits
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I am new to Noahide study and just ordered The Divine Code. But I do have a question.
If a Noahide does not read, write or understand Hebrew isnt it impossible for them to "delve too deeply" into Torah study by that very fact? Jewish friends of mine have told me for years that unless you know Hebrew you cannot really know Torah.