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How to/can a Gentile observe only eating Jewish-certified kosher meat?
It is because the commandment only applies to "eating meat" - which means taking a piece of meat and eating it in its normal form as normal food.

Thank you so much for the above clarification. The above comment was the key to clearing things up for me.

It is further prohibited (but not as a capital sin), for a Gentile to take a piece of meat that he knows is forbidden and use it in some way to derive a benefit or pleasure for himself. This includes a person who feeds it to someone else who doesn't know it's forbidden, if he gets a benefit or pleasure from giving it to that person.

Given the above I understand that a Gentile should not have a share in a restaurant, or businesses, that sells rocky mountain oysters as food to the general public. As far as I know this kind of meat is a novelty available only in particular regions, probably through local arrangements between restaurants and cattle ranchers. If there are any major meat manufacturers involved with mass production and distribution then I understand a Noahide should not be a shareholder in such a business.

I would like to make one more observation. Please correct me if I am wrong. Noahides volunteering to eat only kosher certified meat also has several positive flow on effects. It appears this would financially support the Jewish people and the orthodox community involved with the kosher meat industry and retailers. Isn't it better that our meat budget can go to supporting Torah observant Jews involved with the entire process? I understand the supply of Kosher meat to some remoter areas will often depend on whether a minimum threshold of demand is met.

For the same reason I like to choose an Israeli kosher wine to support Jews rather than other options even though it may be more expensive.

The potential pitfall I see is that the Noahide would just need to be careful that they are not giving people a mistaken impression that they are a Jew. For example, it would not be wise for a Noahide to have crab meat and kosher sausages in their shopping trolley at the same time, or buying the meat on a Saturday if this gives an impression it could be a Jew breaking the Sabbath?

Noahides would have to be prepared to explain their position in detail as the question will always come up when a person advises they will not eat particular things. It would present itself as an opportunity to talk about this Noahide law and the Noahide laws in general.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to can one observe only eating Jewish-certified kosher meat? - by Noahide Q - 12-03-2017, 04:33 PM

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