Director Michael Wrote:Moses received and transmitted many different explicit and implicit interpretations from G-d for every word of the Chumash, each connected with the breadth and depth of the Divine Wisdom. These alternative interpretations are embodied within the four levels, or dimensions, of Torah knowledge, abbreviated as "PaRDeS."
"PaRDeS" [literally "orchard"] is the Hebrew acrostic for the names of the four dimensions of Torah wisdom, respectively:
P'shat - the simple meanings
Remez - the meanings hinted by analogies, numerical values, spellings of words etc.
D'rush - the homiletic meanings.
Sod - the "secret," i.e. kabbalistic, meanings.
Are all these levels acceptable for a Noahide to learn? I've been taught that a Noahide shouldn't study Kabbalah or Gemetria, but if they come across one of these interpretations while studying it's OK to read it, just not to delve into it.