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The awful choice between suicide and sin
According to what has been transcribed from the book "Divine Code" by Hrvatski Noahid.
I understand that depending on the level of mental illness (depression for example) that a person has, G-d forbid, it is automatically exempt from Divine punishment for any misconduct? Since it lost some level of reason and logic of things? which may G-d forbid.
Is, then, suicide, G-d forbid, the total peak of mental illness, because the person went so far as to lose the fear of G-d? say, for example, that the person has become alienated.
I am assuming that the person is a Noahide, and in his days of lucidity, recognized G-d and accepted the 7 Laws of Noah.
Thank you Dr. Schulman for your attention.
All the best!

Messages In This Thread
Liability for suicide - by Hrvatski Noahid - 12-23-2015, 04:10 AM
RE: The awful choice between suicide and sin - by alexdantas - 12-23-2015, 05:49 PM

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