07-10-2007, 01:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 09:34 AM by Director Michael.)
Randy Wrote:Does this prohibition include basic understandings like "Kabbalah 101" web sites?
It is OK for a faithful Noahide to read reliable sources for a basic understanding of the ten sefirot (the three "intellectual" and seven "emotional" Divine attributes) and the four "worlds" (Atzilut, Beriah, Yesirah and Asiyah), since this is important for understanding the essential unity of the One True G-d. However, Ask Noah does not give any blanket endorsement of other web sites for Noahide learning at this level. Recommended sources for this branch of study are already posted on the "Recommended Books" page of AskNoah.org. For example:
"Mystical Concepts In Chassidism," by Rabbi Immanuel Schochet, pub. Kehot (174 Pages)
Some web pages on these subjects are posted on AskNoah.org:
Angels: https://asknoah.org/faqs?cat=186
Heavenly levels: https://asknoah.org/faqs?cat=188