11-11-2010, 07:39 PM
1. Yes. The serpent in the Garden of Eden originally had human-like intelligence, and it could walk upright and speak.
2. See Rashi's explanation on Genesis 6:6 (quoting Rashi) -
He [G-d] mourned over the destruction of His handiwork... This I wrote to refute the non-believers [quoting from the Midrash]: A gentile asked Rabbi Joshua ben Korchah, “Do you not admit that the Holy One, blessed be He, foresees the future?” He [Rabbi Joshua] replied to him, “Yes.” He retorted, “But it is written: and He became grieved in His heart!” He [Rabbi Joshua] replied, “Was a son ever born to you?” “Yes,” he [the gentile] replied. “And what did you do?” he [Rabbi Joshua] asked. He replied, “I rejoiced and made everyone rejoice.” “But did you not know that he was destined to die?” he asked. He [the gentile] replied, “At the time of joy, joy; at the time of mourning, mourning.” He [Rabbi Joshua] said to him, “So is it with the work of the Holy One, blessed be He; even though it was revealed before Him that they would ultimately sin, and He would destroy them, He did not refrain from creating them, for the sake of the righteous men who were destined to arise from them.” - [from Gen. Rabbah 27:4]
3. This is a Midrashic explanation of Genesis 6:2. According to the simple explanation, this refers to the human sons of the human princes and judges in those days.
2. See Rashi's explanation on Genesis 6:6 (quoting Rashi) -
He [G-d] mourned over the destruction of His handiwork... This I wrote to refute the non-believers [quoting from the Midrash]: A gentile asked Rabbi Joshua ben Korchah, “Do you not admit that the Holy One, blessed be He, foresees the future?” He [Rabbi Joshua] replied to him, “Yes.” He retorted, “But it is written: and He became grieved in His heart!” He [Rabbi Joshua] replied, “Was a son ever born to you?” “Yes,” he [the gentile] replied. “And what did you do?” he [Rabbi Joshua] asked. He replied, “I rejoiced and made everyone rejoice.” “But did you not know that he was destined to die?” he asked. He [the gentile] replied, “At the time of joy, joy; at the time of mourning, mourning.” He [Rabbi Joshua] said to him, “So is it with the work of the Holy One, blessed be He; even though it was revealed before Him that they would ultimately sin, and He would destroy them, He did not refrain from creating them, for the sake of the righteous men who were destined to arise from them.” - [from Gen. Rabbah 27:4]
3. This is a Midrashic explanation of Genesis 6:2. According to the simple explanation, this refers to the human sons of the human princes and judges in those days.