12-21-2014, 10:17 PM
alexdantas Wrote:By the Grace of G-d
For a Noahide who is in debt, paying interest to banks, wrapped in debt, struggling to pay monthly bills, etc ... may this be an "excuse" to not give tsedaka/charity, only for a certain period of course?
I ask this based on the life of a widow who goes through this, who has two daughters, who sometimes considers to stop giving tsedaka/charity.
I was reading this forum thread on this subject. That discussion made me think ... I desire to act properly, since I am teaching her the Nohide path.
Yes, those financial troubles may be a valid excuse for a Noahide to *reduce* the amount of tsedaka/charity that is being given, because it is necessary to pay monthly bills, pay off loans, and provide for the needs of the children, and not go farther into debt.
But in consideration of the good deed of proper tsedaka/charity, which G-d is trustworthy to repay and reward, and along with repentance it also atones for sins, it is not wise to completely stop giving proper tsedaka/charity. Even setting aside (in a charity box or a charity can) just one or two small coins in a day for tsedaká (without a vow) counts as a good deed, and it brings more of G-d's blessings to the person.