Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T)
- Charity and Tithing by Noahides (24 Replies)
- Sacrifices (2 Replies)
- Mezuzah (9 Replies)
- Remembering the Seventh day (8 Replies)
- Vows and Oaths (12 Replies)
- Noahide man wearing a kipa (yarmulke) or a beard (6 Replies)
- Circumcision and procreation for Noahides (12 Replies)
- Fasting..? (5 Replies)
- Going in morally upright ways (8 Replies)
- Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur (8 Replies)
- Honoring the Festivals and Hanukkah (8 Replies)
- Birthday Celebrations (3 Replies)
- Earth Day vs. Innovated Relgious Festivals (4 Replies)
- Can we say "Shabbat Shalom" on Shabbos (3 Replies)
- Wearing a tallis? (12 Replies)
- Tish'a B'Av (mourning destruction of the Temples) (5 Replies)
- Fruits grown in Israel in a Sabbatical Year (1 Reply)